In grade two Sanyu lost his mobility to a crippling disease. Not able to walk, he was forced to drop out of school.
Sanyu is fifteen years old now. Every day he sees other children in his village go to school. He knows that for him to go would put an unbearable hardship on his mother to carry him there, and the school staff and students to carry him around.
Even though he knows it is hoping against hope, Sanyu lived with a secret dream. His dream was to go back to school.
Three years ago Sanyu lost his father. His mother, who struggles to survive, became his sole caretaker.
Sanyu had no idea that the great joy of generosity of the Omega Children Foundation Uganda's donors would make his dream come true!
Last week, OCFU donors paid for Sanyu to get a standard wheelchair with a commode.
This week Sanyu's dream of returning to school came true!
And, true to our donors' joy of generosity, they sent him back to school with new shoes, a school uniform, one dozen books, four pens, and ten kg of maize flour!
AND, Sanyu's mom got a new phone so she can communicate with the school during the day.
Sanyu, his secret dream, and the joy of our donors' generosity are changing the world!